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Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

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Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

Image by Vladimir Carrer


"Thank you so much.  We appreciate everything you have done for Varick.  He has come so far and is doing so well in school -- we went the private school route and they tell us he is doing amazing!  Thank you again!"   

~Mom of Varick 

-August 21, 2023


"My child is writing with more ease and more quality and quantity at home and in the classroom."

- May 2019


"Deborah holds our highest regards. She is kind and caring and has been our "bridge" to helping our daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD. We have seen many therapists to help address many concerns (behaviorally & educationally). Her pediatrician recommended speaking with an Occupational Therapist (for sensory needs) though we never went down this avenue because we didn't notice any outward physical concerns, besides her handwriting. In the initial evaluation she keyed in on two physical concerns and has been working with her weekly for a few months now. Needless to say, her behaviors have drastically decreased. She has lifted our girl's confidence & spirit. We are ever grateful."



"We really appreciate everything you've done for him over the last year!  He's grown so much he's almost a completely different kid compared to last summer, we just want him to have every opportunity to continue making progress".
- July 2022


 "Our child was tearing and tiring when she practiced her reading and writing skills. She no longer tears and is excited about reading to her brother.  I feel that removing this barrier helped her succeed in school. Deborah was able to identify areas of improvement no other OT had seen.  She was skillful and varied in her approach.  Every therapy session was a game.  We truly appreciate Deborah’s dedication to our child’s success."

- January 12, 2020


"My child seems to be more coordinated and self-sufficient in getting dressed, etc.  Better eating etiquette.  And not as hesitant to read". - December 27, 2019


"Hi Deborah!
I had to share a really sweet moment about my son with you. He is playing baseball and I must admit, I was a little worried and curious about how he would do, since it is a lot different from soccer. Requires a lot of patience, waiting, attention, lots of moving parts. Naturally, he has a hard time focusing and it usually staring off somewhere when the ball comes to him, but his hand eye coordination is getting so much better! He is able to hit the ball and does well! But the interesting part came tonight, when all the boys started cheering for whoever was batting. He got up to home and all the boys were cheering his name, pretty loud. He hit it and got to first on the third swing. After the game I asked him, “how did it feel when your teammates were cheering for you?” And he said, “It felt really good! Like I could hit a home run!”. I nearly teared up at that response-a year ago, his response and feeling towards kids cheering for him would have been completely different. Just wanted to share that sweet moment with you, and to say thank you for all the work that you do with him! We know that he would not be in the place that he is right now if it weren’t for you, so thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!"

-June 2022



"After I did the exercises, I did my homework faster and didn't yell".  

- January 10, 2020

Names not used to protect privacy from Google Reviews:


*St. Nicholas Children's Therapy 

3811 W 52nd St.

Roeland Park, KS  66205​

Tel (913) 579-8556

Fax (913) 359-4320

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